Commencez votre recherche dès maintenant en consultant le répertoire ci-dessous afin de connaître les programmes et les services qui sont offerts et qui peuvent vous aider à accéder à une formation postsecondaire.
Membres du personnel universitaire qui s’identifient comme Autochtones
5 to 9.99%
Langues autochtones
Cours offerts en
Mandatory courses
Yes, for certain faculties or programs
Honours program in Art History and Visual Studies
Certificate Program in Foundations in Indigenous Fine Arts
Bachelor of Science in Nursing
Bachelor of Arts in Health and Community Services
Master of Public Health Studies: Indigenous Health Studies focus
Indigenous Governance Graduate Certificate in Indigenous Nationhood
Bachelor and Master of Social Work: Indigenous Specialization
Bachelor of Child and Youth Care
Diploma in Indigenous Community Development and Social Governance
Faculty of Law Joint Degree Program in Canadian Common Law and Indigenous Legal Orders JD/JID
Aide financière
Emergency funds
Conseils financiers
Any Indigenous student can request guidance for any Indigenous specific Student Awards and Financial Aid.
Hébergement et résidences sur le campus
Orientation pédagogique
Service de conseillers
Mentorat par les pairs
Orientation professionnelle
+ Autre
Emergency bursaries, Indigenous Student Support Coordinator, Elders-
Activités sociales ou culturelles
Salon étudiant
Visites d’aînés
+ Autre
Wellness events, Centre for Indigenous Research and Community-Led Engagement, SAGE (Supporting Aboriginal Graduate Enhancement), Indigenous Speakers Series, Cultural Resurgence Coordinators in Indigenous Education, Faculty of Fine Arts and Learning and Teaching Innovation Support.